Fashionable Fishing

We know if we look at history, fishing didn’t initially start out as a sport. Fishing was a part of hunting for food to survive.

Fishing is a practice that is currently dated back to around 40,000 years ago. Historians know this because of the fish bones and cave paintings that have been discovered including tomb scenes and drawings by the Egyptians.

Even today, fishing is relied upon to put food on the tables as well as natives who still fish as a part of their survival diet; however, it doesn’t stop there.Although fishing started out as a hunter’s strategy for survival, it has now developed into a form of recreation as well as a competitive sport.

Kids have also latched onto fishing. Many parents would hope that their children would take up one sport or another but probably didn’t expect fishing to be one of those sports.I know many families who have tried to get their sons into football or rugby, but the sport didn’t interest their kids at all, however, surprisingly, when it comes to fishing, they love it!

Fishing is something boys can do with their friends; they can have fun and even camp out overnight whilst they compete against each other to see who is going to catch the most and biggest fish.

Fishing is not only a great for recreation; it is also great to teach kids focus and as well as that, it also offers a kind of respect for the environment we live in as well as having an appreciation for nature.

Fishing also offers a ‘buzz’. As soon as you feel a tug on your rod, the challenge is then set before you to reel in what has taken a bite. At that point, you cannot see what you have caught as it is still under water. Your friends also spot that you have caught something and wait in anticipation to see what you are about to reel in.

Is it going to be a big one, is it a small one or is it just an old boot? Whatever it is, the ‘buzz’ effect has kicked in. You feel the thrill and excitement that all that waiting patiently is finally going to pay off. This is what brings the fun factor in fishing and why even kids can enjoy this outdoor recreational event.

This is another reason why fishing as a sport or for recreation never goes out of fashion. Fishing has a lot to offer and that doesn’t just mean the fish that might bite on the end of your rod.Also, fishing isn’t restricted to our local fishing banks. There are a variety of ways to fish, including deep sea fishing.

If your kids have got into fishing, then imagine what excitement a day trip on a deep sea fishing boat with their friends would bring. That really would make their day, especially as a birthday gift where all their friends could come along and experience fishing in the deep waters.

The great thing about deep sea party boat fishing is that you don’t have to buy all the equipment before you step on the boat, more often than not, everything you need is provided on the boat. So what a better gift could you give a kid who is into fishing?

Regardless of what type of fishing you enjoy, the act is not stuck in the ice ages as they say, it is still fashionable to fish, and will be for years to come.

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Nicky Bullimore has been writing articles on various topics for a number of years. For more information about Deep Sea Fishing and party boat fishing trips, please visit