Fishing is Fun

There are many ways to fish; on the river bank, sitting on a rock with rope for crab fishing or even out in the middle of a sea on a deep sea fishing boat catching shark!

I remember as a child going fishing on a river bank, it isn’t like going to Disney land, but the buzz you get from when you catch your first fish could resemble the same feeling of rushing through the air on a rollercoaster. It was a great feeling, and it is a buzz that many people today strive for every time they go fishing.

I have friends where the first thought that came to their mind when thinking about fishing is to sit on a river bank, bored, just watching the float bobbing up and down in the water waiting for a miracle. They would rather be shopping for shoes.

I have seen the same friends later on tell me their boyfriends were into fishing so they gave it a go and went along with them. Did they end up with their own rod? Yes, they did. Simply because they realised that fishing can actually be fun, even for girls who prefer to shop.

Fishing isn’t always about how many fish you are going to catch or who is going to catch the biggest fish. It is also about doing something where you can forget everything that is going on around you and just enjoy the peaceful environment and relax.

As well as this, fishing can also be about having a day out with friends having a few laughs and who is going to catch the biggest fish and have a giggle at the one who catches the smallest.

Experienced fishermen will know all the places to go on a deep sea fishing boat. If the fish are not biting in one area, then they know the spots to go to save any disappointment when going out to catch fish.

One of the great things about deep sea fishing is that you are more likely to catch fish that you won’t find on the river bank. So for first timers especially, the excitement of what you are going to catch and the fun you have with friends whilst doing it will more than likely want you coming back for more.

The guys who go out fishing on river banks with the big umbrellas and waterproof clothing don’t go there to catch colds, they go there because they enjoy the relaxed environment and the thought of going home and telling their friends what they caught.

Teenagers who have nothing more to do than hang around the streets, have found a new hobby by going out with their friends fishing. It is just great to be able to do something with friends, where there is a little competitiveness involved and just have a good time fishing.

So the next time someone talks to you about fishing, just remember, there is a reason why people fish, and more often than not it is a lot more than just hanging around bored waiting for a bit. It’s actually fun.

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Nicky Bullimore has been writing articles for a number of years on various different topics. For more information about Deep Sea Fishing Trips, visit