Carp Fishing Rigs - The Blowback Rig

The 'Blow Back Rig' is one that has become probably one of the most popular specialized Carp Fishing rigs used by today's Carp angler and one that I have been using a lot myself over recent times with excellent catch results.

The rig is constructed from coated braid, which is weighted to help aid its ability to sink and lay flat on the lake bed to help with cautious feeding fish. Also with the short stripped section of the coating near the hook, this gives the hook a bit more freedom to be picked up by the carp.

This braid is matched up with a long shank carp hooks and is linked together via a Micro Rig Ring running up and down the long straight hook shank, finished off with a curved section of shrink tubing to help flip the hook as quick as possible once in the carps mouth.

The idea of the construction of this rig is that with the ring on the shank of the hook this allows the hook greater movement and a greater chance of catching hold, due to being able to pivot within the ring itself. Having the ring starting low down around the hooks curve this keeps the weight from the bait where you want it, near the hook point.

Secondly once the carp has sucked in the hook bait and hook and then goes to blow the bait and hook out upon realizing what is happening, the bait freely slides down the shank first leaving the hook fully exposed to catch hold plus with the weight of the bait being transferred this pulls the hook down faster too into the carps mouth giving greater penetration.

A sure winner for anyone that uses this rig.

Watch Jon Bones, Deputy editor of Total Carp, as he demonstrate how to tie "The Blow Back Rig"